Tuan Qi

Tuan Qi

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reflect on learning – What is the most valuable thing you learned in Project Business Ideas?

During the IT Entrepreneur lesson, the most valuable thing I had learned in Project Business Ideas to commence a business.

A good business idea could be new creation or invention. It would be a new product or service to human being. It could be an original idea or solution to daily problems.

I am knowing that innovation business idea might also be a gap in the market that I can fill in. Good business idea should be translated to production in the market. A business related to the work you do already and an interest or hobby that you can turn into a business.

I had learned there are three major hurdles to overcome before any idea can come to fruition.

Firstly, we need to identify a problem. In set of eleven people form a group, we had listed down much a lot of problems to be considered. Concept of brainstorming is approached during discussion in group.

Brainstorming is quiet important to yield pretty problem of first step processing business idea. The ideas generation is been made. All the ideas or problems are revealed, we need to have the latest step of business idea.

The idea selection is by way of choosing to produce business idea. The innovation and specialized business idea is born.

Good business idea is should solve problems or provide a need. The business idea could be improvement or a better way to accomplish task. Cause people feel confident want to buy the our product.

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